As a Gen X wife and working mom of two beautiful boys, I constantly strive to find the right BLEND between preserving long standing family traditions and adopting this millennium's "modern" practices. Throw in a large Latin family, a Mom who loves sharing how things were done "back then", and a 10 year old quick to point out how things run at his "friends house" and achieving balance seems impossible!
When did life become so complicated? I recall a Purell-free childhood playing outside with neighborhood friends until dusk, drinking from public water fountains without hesitation, and weekends spent running errands with Mom- no questions asked. We were taught to respect our elders, but be weary of strangers, as reinforced by milk carton "Missing" ads. Those were simpler times!
Fast forward 30 years and now parents more closely resemble Personal Assistants- managing calendars of activities, social media, and the birthday party circuit. At first glance, this parental evolution (or regression?) seems insane. But the truth is, I'm guilty of being completely sucked in!
The "Mom" rules for parenting, career, health and fashion have changed. And though everyone seems to have an opinion, the solutions aren't always black and white. Success (whatever that means!) and my sanity, depend on creating a NEW BLEND that works for me and my family.
Truly bridging gaps, albeit generational, cultural, or economical, is about embracing the learning process and keeping an open mind. We all have our unique BLEND and that's what keeps life interesting!
Yes, parenting and life can get messy. Grab a wipey and stand in line! Supporting one another in this incredible journey is key to survival and growth. So bring on the laughs, tears and wine! I hope you'll join me.